Open Source Resources for Forensics in the Cloud

EC2 DFIR Workshop

Lab 12: Perform Virus Scans


Determine if there are any viruses in the file system or the files recovered from unallocated space.


  1. Scan the mounted evidence volume
  2. Scan the unallocated space
  3. Research any malware discovered by the scans

Step 1: Scan the mounted evidence volume

To scan the mounted evidence volume with ClamAV, use:

nohup clamscan -i -r --log=/cases/clam-fs.log /mnt/linux_mount/ &

VIDEO: Lab 12 Step 1 - Scan the mounted evidence volume

Step 2: Scan the unallocated space

To scan the files recovered from the unallocated space, use:

nohup clamscan -i -r --log=/cases/clam-us.log /cases/recovered/ &

VIDEO: Lab 12 Step 2 - Scan the unallocated space

Step 3: Research any malware discovered by the scans

Run jobs to monitor the status of the scan and use the tail command to see findings as they occur. For example:

tail -f /cases/clam-fs.log

Perform a web search to learn more about any known malware found.