Open Source Resources for Forensics in the Cloud

EC2 DFIR Workshop

Lab 5: Mounting Additional Volumes


Attach a “BASELINE” volume for analysis of changes and a “DATA” Volume to contain the analysis artifacts


  1. Make a BASELINE Volume
  2. Make a new DATA Volume
  3. Attach & Mount the New Volumes

Step 1: Make a BASELINE Volume

Step 1a: Identify the AMI from the “Instances” view of the EC2 Console. Copy just the AMI Id.

Make a BASELINE Volume IMAGE 12: Identify and Copy the AMI-id

NOTE: If you used the shared snapshot, then use ami-0080e4c5bc078760e as the AMI to launch to create the BASELINE Volume.

Step 1b: Click “Launch Instance” to start the EC2 Launch Wizard. Paste the AMI Id into the search Field. Then Launch the EC2 as usual, using a t2.micro type. Tag the instance with the “Name” tag set to “BASETEMP.” Use the “Proceed without a key pair” option when launching the instance.

Make a BASELINE Volume 2 IMAGE 13: Launch an instance based on the identified AMI Id

Step 1c: Make a snapshot of the BASETEMP Volume as soon a the status checks have completed. Tag the snapshot with “Name” set to “BASELINE.”

Step 1d: Make a Volume from the Snapshot in the same availability zone as the SIFT Workstation. Tag the volume with “Name” set to “BASELINE.”

Step 1e: Terminate the BASETEMP instance as it is no longer needed.

VIDEO: Lab 5 Step 1 - Make a BASELINE Volume

Step 2: Make a new DATA Volume

Step 2a: Click the “Create Volume” button on the Volumes view of the EC2 Console.

Select Create Volume

IMAGE 14: Click the “Create Volume” Button

Step 2b: Set the Size to 100 GB and select the Availability Zone to match the SIFT Workstation. Tag the volume with “Name” set to “DATA.”

Make a new DATA Volume

IMAGE 15: Set the Properties for the New Volume

Step 2c: Click “Create Volume”

VIDEO: Lab 5 Step 2 - Make a new DATA Volume

Step 3: Attach & Mount BASELINE Volume

Make a Mount Point:

mkdir /mnt/linux_base

Next, Use the AWS Console to attach the BASELINE volume. Attach the BASELINE volume first to avoid confusion.

Run the “lsblk” command on the SIFT to determine the device id

Attach & Mount the BASELINE Volume

IMAGE 16: Running the lsblk, mount, and ls Commands

Mount the BASELINE Volume as Read-Only as shown in Image 16. Use:

mount -o ro /dev/xvdg1 /mnt/linux_base/

Verify it is mounted by running the “ls” command on the root of the mount point:

ls -als /mnt/linux_base/

VIDEO: Lab 5 Step 3 - Attach & Mount BASELINE Volume

Step 4: Attach & Mount the DATA Volume

Make a Mount Point:

mkdir /mnt/data

Next, Attach the DATA volume.

Run the lsblk command on the SIFT to determine the device id

Format and mount the volume:

mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdh
mount /dev/xvdh /mnt/data

VIDEO: Lab 5 Step 4 - Attach & Mount the DATA Volume