Open Source Resources for Forensics in the Cloud

EC2 DFIR Workshop

Lab 6: Creating a Hash Database


Create a database of all files on the BASELINE Volume so we can identify changes made to the EVIDENCE Volume


  1. Use md5sum to calculate BASELINE hashes
  2. Use hfind to create the known_files Database

Step 1 – Use md5sum to calculate BASELINE hashes

The first step is to use some command line kung fu to calculate the hash of all files found on the BASELINE volume:

mkdir /cases/changed && cd /cases/changed
find /mnt/linux_base -type f -print0 | xargs -0 \
  md5sum > known_files.md5
cat known_files.md5    # View the output

Read the man page for the find command and the –type option

man find

The xargs command executes the following command (md5sum) on each line of redirected input

VIDEO: Lab 6 Step 1 - Use md5sum to calculate BASELINE hashes

Step 2 – Create the known_files Database

Next, index the hash list into a database:

hfind -i md5sum known_files.md5
ls    # View the output
cat known_files.md5-md5.idx
file known_files.md5-md5.idx
file known_files.md5-md5.idx2

Read the man page for the hfind command and the –i option

man hfind

VIDEO: Lab 6 Step 2 - Create the known_files Database