Open Source Resources for Forensics in the Cloud

EC2 DFIR Workshop

Lab 4: Acquiring an EBS Volume


Provision a SIFT Workstation with updated tools to be able to analyze evidence from a compromised EC2 Workstation.


  1. Make a Snapshot of Target EBS Volume
  2. Make a Volume out of the Snapshot
  3. Attach New Volume
  4. Mount New Volume

Step 1: Make a Snapshot of Target EBS Volume

Step 1a: Click “Volumes.”

Step 1b: Select “Create Snapshot” from the Actions Dropdown List.

Make a Snapshot of Target EBS Volume IMAGE 7: Making a Snapshot of the Target Volume

NOTE: If you skipped Lab 1, then use public snapshot snap-05f0794291c491687

VIDEO: Lab 4 Step 1 - Make a Snapshot of Target EBS Volume

Step 2: Make a Volume out of the Snapshot

Step 2a: Navigate to the Snapshot page in the left-hand menu and select “Create Volume” from the Action dropdown list.

Step 2a IMAGE 8: Selecting “Create Volume”

Step 2b: Make sure to select the same availability zone as the SIFT Workstation.

Step 2c: Add Tags as Appropriate. At a minimum set the “Name” tag to “EVIDENCE”

Step 2b and 2c IMAGE 9: Setting the AZ and Tags

VIDEO: Lab 4 Step 2 - Make a Volume out of the Snapshot

Step 3: Attach New Volume

Step 3a: Navigate to the Volumes page and select “Attach Volume” from the Actions dropdown list.

Step 3: Attach New Volume IMAGE 10: Selecting the “Attach Volume” menu item

Step 3b: Select the SIFT Workstation in the Instance list and click “Attach.”

NOTE: The volume must be in the same availability zone as the SIFT Workstation.

Step 3 Continued IMAGE 11: Selecting the SIFT Workstation to attach volume

VIDEO: Lab 4 Step 3 - Attach New Volume

Step 4: Mount New Volume

SSH into the SIFT Workstation and run the following commands:

sudo su
file -s /dev/xvdf1
mkdir /mnt/linux_mount  #Make a mount point
mount -o ro /dev/xvdf1 /mnt/linux_mount/
ls -als /mnt/linux_mount/

Now the evidence is mounted and is ready for analysis.

VIDEO: Lab 4 Step 4 - Mount New Volume