Open Source Resources for Forensics in the Cloud

EC2 DFIR Workshop

Lab 16: Review System Logs & Configs


Review logs looking for unusual activities, processes, and behavior


  1. Examine the bash history
  2. Examine local user accounts and groups
  3. Look for accounts with passwords set
  4. Examine bootup events & timing
  5. Identify past IP addresses
  6. Look at the yum log

Step 1: Examine the bash history

Examine the bash_history for the default ec2-user account and any other accounts on the system:

cat /mnt/linux_mount/home/ec2-user/.bash_history
cat /mnt/linux_mount/root/.bash_history

VIDEO: Lab 16 Step 1 - Examine the bash history

Step 2: Examine local user accounts and groups

diff /mnt/linux_base/etc/passwd /mnt/linux_mount/etc/passwd
diff /mnt/linux_base/etc/group /mnt/linux_mount/etc/group

VIDEO: Lab 16 Step 2 - Examine local user accounts and groups

Step 3: Look for accounts with passwords set

Look for accounts with passwords set, assuming this is a policy violation:

cat /mnt/linux_mount/etc/shadow | grep -F "$"

NOTE: We are looking for the presence of a literal $ in the password field. If there is a password set the format is $id$salt$hashed, The $id is the algorithm used On GNU/Linux as follows:

VIDEO: Lab 16 Step 3 - Look for accounts with passwords set

Step 4: Examine bootup events & timing

Understanding when a system has been booted is important information for constructing a timeline of events in the life of the EC2 instance:

ls -als /mnt/linux_mount/var/log/dmesg*   # File Timestamp
grep Cloud-init /mnt/linux_mount/var/log/cloud-init.log
cat /mnt/linux_mount/var/log/boot.log

VIDEO: Lab 16 Step 4 - Examine bootup events & timing

Step 5: Identify past IP addresses

grep -A4 -B1 "Net device info" /mnt/linux_mount/var/log/cloud-init-output.log

VIDEO: Lab 16 Step 5 - Identify past IP addresses

Step 6: Look at the yum log

cat /mnt/linux_mount/var/log/yum.log
diff /mnt/linux_base/var/log/yum.log /mnt/linux_mount/var/log/yum.log \
  > /cases/yum-diff.txt

cut -d" " -f5 /mnt/linux_base/var/log/yum.log > /cases/yum-base.txt
cut -d" " -f5 /mnt/linux_mount/var/log/yum.log > /cases/yum-mount.txt
diff /cases/yum-base.txt /cases/yum-mount.txt | cut -d" " -f2 \
  > /cases/yum-new.txt

grep -C1000 -f /cases/yum-new.txt /cases/yum-diff.txt

VIDEO: Lab 16 Step 6 - Look at the yum log