Open Source Resources for Forensics in the Cloud

EC2 DFIR Workshop

Lab 10: Determine if keys are present on compromised system


Determine if there are any compromised keys that need to be revoked or disabled. Identify Public Keys to identify entities that may have accessed the system previously.


  1. Look in the typical directories
  2. Perform an expanded search
  3. Look for Public Keys

Step 1: Look in the typical directories:

ls -als /mnt/linux_mount/home/ec2-user/.ssh/
ls –als /mnt/linux_mount/home/ec2-user/.aws/

VIDEO: Lab 10 Step 1 - Look in the typical directories

Perform an expanded search based on a regex pattern (there may be some false positives):

egrep -r AKIA[A-Z0-9]{16} /mnt/linux_mount/ --color=always \
  | egrep -v "EXAMPLE"
egrep -r "PRIVATE KEY-----" /mnt/linux_mount/ --color=always | less -R

VIDEO: Lab 10 Step 2 - Perform an expanded search

Step 3: Look for public keys in authorized_keys file:

find /mnt/linux_mount/ -name 'authorized_keys' | xargs cat

VIDEO: Lab 10 Step 3 - Look for public keys in authorized_keys file