Open Source Resources for Forensics in the Cloud

EC2 DFIR Workshop

Lab 17 – Perform a Timeline Analysis


Create a timeline to determine the sequence of events and to identify missing information.


  1. Make a Filesystem Timeline
  2. Make a Super Timeline

Step 1: Make a File System Timeline

First, make the body file:

fls -r -m / /dev/xvdf1 > /cases/body.txt

Then, make a CSV file using mactime:

mactime -b /cases/body.txt -d > /cases/timeline.csv

Read the man page for each command (fls and mactime)

For a quick look at the timeline, with interesting files highlighted use the following command:

grep " 2019 " timeline.csv | grep -C10 -f interesting.txt \
  --color=always | less -R

NOTE: For this to work, you must create the interesting.txt file with one IOC or item that you want highlighted per line in the file. Make sure the file has no blank lines.

Move the timeline.csv to the evidence S3 bucket:

aws s3 cp /cases/timeline.csv s3://[YOUR-UNIQUE-BUCKET]

Download the CSV and analyze it in Excel

VIDEO: Lab 17 Step 1 - Make a File System Timeline

Step 2: Make a Super Timeline

First, make a plaso dump file in the background with nohup, so that the terminal can be disconnected if necessary:

nohup /cases/plaso.dump /dev/xvdf1 &

Monitor the progress if desired:

tail -f  nohup.out

Look at the plaso storage file: -v /cases/plaso.dump | less

Generate a CSV file for the date range of interest: /cases/plaso.dump "date > '2019-03-12 00:00:00' AND \
date < '2019-03-20 00:00:00'" -w /cases/supertimeline.csv

For a quick look at the timeline, with interesting files highlighted use the following command:

grep -C10 -f interesting.txt /cases/supertimeline.csv \
  --color=always | less -R

Copy the file to your evidence S3 bucket and analyze the file in Excel

aws s3 cp /cases/supertimeline.csv s3://[YOUR-UNIQUE-BUCKET]

VIDEO: Lab 17 Step 2 - Make a Super Timeline